The entity´s new site is now live: a new design, new architecture and additional features for our members.
The Association of Capital Markets Investors has reformulated its site (www.amecbrasil.org.br) aimed to renew and make the communication among its members and other audiences more dynamic.
There are several innovative changes: a new design, new information architecture, interactive tools and the new exclusive area for members. In addition to reducing the responding time, the new site enables the interactivity and exchange of experiences.
Now, the Opinion of Amec´s articles count on an exclusive session, making the access to the contents that detail the entity´s position regarding important topics for the association easier.
With a current language and built based on the principle of functionality, Amec´s portal opens a new time in the communication with its members, whether in its own environment or in social networks, such as the Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, Youtube, or even by email once the content can be shared in these channels directly from the site. The new tool also allows readers to post comments, which will be always welcomed.
Opinion of Amec – The Emperor of All Evils |
Scene 1: 1 Blue Horseshoe loves Blue Star Airlines.
Scene 2: The handcuffed Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen) is taken by policemen through the trading room at Jackson Steinme´s brokerage house.
The scenes above are from the movie Wall Street (1987). Their emotional impact is undeniable. The "good contravener" leaves the office burst into tears, probably thinking that his dreams and professional career have just started to dismantle as a result of his illegal acts. His colleagues show dismay and also the perception that, in fact, the crime does not pay.
Changes to Amec´s Executive Board |
After seven years directly involved in Amec´s activities, our founder Luis Stuhlberger requested to leave the entity´s Executive Board. In his resignation speech, Luis highlighted he will continue committed to Amec as a member of the institution´s Advisory Board. The decision opens room to an important renewal in the body responsible for the association´s daily activities.
Save the Date: Amec 6th Seminar |
Revving up the engines for Amec´s most important event: Amec 6th Seminar.
After the successful 2012 edition, we have been investing to provide our members with an even more interesting and interactive event. The topic of this year´s edition will be "Corporate Democracy – Rights and Duties of Shareholders and Companies," and discussions will be focused on the challenges to implement an environment that drives the advancement of good practices in corporate governance and that helps defend the rights of minority shareholders.
Technical Commission reaches Record Attendance |
The last meeting of Amec´s Technical Commission, held on July 31st, was attended by 36 participants – a record for Amec. The Commission discussed, among other topics, the "Public Hearing CVM 05/2013," which deals with the adjustment of our regulatory system to the competition among stock exchanges. We counted on the participation of guests from BMF Bovespa (Cicero Vieira, Henrique Vergara, and Daniel Granja) and from new entrant ATS (Alan Gandelman and Arthur Machado).
Foreigners Commission holds its fourth regular meeting |
International members of Amec joined our team on August 7th for its fourth meeting. In this opportunity, Amec updated members on discussions of our Technical Committee and current events affecting the Brazilian market. Among the topics, Amec´s contributions to CVM´s Public Hearings and the roundtable on market fragmentation were the highlights, as well as certain corporate transactions affecting Brazilian companies. Members also discussed a forthcoming debate at the ICGN regarding engagement with companies with defined control, and the contributions that Amec´s members can bring to the table.
The next meeting is scheduled for August 27th.
ANBIMA 9th Seminar of Direito do Mercado de Capitais ("Capital Market Law") |
Dates: August 27th, 2013
Hour: 8.30 am to 6.10 pm
Venue: Grand Hyatt São Paulo – Avenida Nações Unidas, 13.301, Brooklin
Members*: from 1 to 3 registrations – R$ 1,400.00
Members*: more than 3 registrations – R$ 1,200.00
Non members: 1 to 3 registrations – R$ 2,200.00
Non members: more than 3 registrations – R$ 1,600.00
* ANBIMA´s and IBCPF´s members.
Additional information: Registrations must be made by August 22nd, 2013 (places are limited). For more information, contact the association by phone (55 11 2875-4162) or send an email to eventosanbima@furqdelg.com.br.