The meetings of the Stewardship Code Signatories Working Group are held at Amec’s headquarters, accessible via phone or Skype. On January 19th, the group met for the second time and approved its internal by-laws. Click here to access the minutes.
Find below the meetings calendar to be held in the 1st half of 2017:
Feb 3th – 11 am
Feb 24th – 11 am
Mar 10th – 11 am
Mar 23rd – 11 am
Apr 6th – 11 am
May 5th – 11 am
May 26th – 11 am
Jun 13th – 11 am
Jun 28th – 11 am |
Opinion of Amec - Meanwhile, in London... |
When crossing a dense forest, it’s easy to get lost if we pay attention only to the trees. To know the exact location, it is important to stand from a good viewpoint that allows us to see the entire forest and not only the trees. No doubt that today, with the GPS enabled smartphones, the popular saying has become a bit outdated. Even so, there’s truth in it: we need to understand the whole picture and not only the immediate problems.
The debate about the capital market reform does not escape this logic. The years come and go and the topics are the same, putting in different camps those who are really interested in a broader, more inclusive and dynamic capital market and those who believe that it’s possible to have a market based on the maintenance of the privileges and lack of transparence of the past. With that, we end up discussing specific points, the result of our immediate experience – and eventually get lost about the objective we want to reach. |
The next meetings of Amec – the Association of Capital Market Investors – for members only, are confirmed as follows:
Technical Commission – February 15th, at Amec’s headquarters, in São Paulo, with remote access.
Foreigners Commission – February 21st, via conference call.
Management Board – February 23rd, at Amec’s headquarters, in São Paulo.
Confirmations of attendance must be submitted to maria.alice@amecbrasil.org.br.
Click here to access the Association’s annual calendar of meetings. |
Amec gears efforts to contribute to all stages of the development process of the Novo Mercado |
The Association of Capital Market Investors – Amec – has been committed to contributing and supporting the initiative of the Brazilian Stock Exchange – BM&FBOVESPA – focused on reformulating and evolving the special listing segments. With that in mind, the association prepared a new document with suggestions to the second stage of the Public Hearing, praising both the proposal of a differentiated calculation of the free float of companies listed in Level 2 and the adjustments made to the definition of independent board members. |
BM&FBOVESPA publishes the opinions received during the second stage of the Public Hearing on the evolution process of the special segments |
The Brazilian Stock Exchange - BM&FBOVESPA – has published in its website the 17 opinions received during the second stage of the Public Hearing on the evolution process of the special segments (Novo Mercado and Level 2). In addition to these opinions, the BM&FBOVESPA received other comments in its interactions with companies, investors and capital market associations. |
Members debate about the shareholder list with CVM |
The Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM – is holding a Public Hearing on the draft of the new Instruction 480, opening the possibility of discussing, once again, the issue related to the disclosure of the shareholder list. In view of this new scenario, Amec’s - the Association of Capital Market Investors – members have opted to formalize, in the President Letter 15/2016, the points of view of investors based on the necessary legal background and guided by factual experiences learned from concrete cases. |
Survey by FGV analyzes the impact of the new Independent Auditors’ Report |
Brazilian investors will start to deal with a new working tool this year: the extended independent auditor’s report. Already adopted in other markets for some years, the report brings innovations both in the form and content. Amec’s Technical Commission debated about the matter in October 2016. |
CODIM announces Pronouncement about “Communication Segmentation” |
On January 19th, CODIM (the Guidance Committee for the Disclosure of Information to the Market) published the Guidance Pronouncement about “Communication Segmentation of the Capital Market’s Audience.” |
CVM provides explanations about accounting statements |
The Offices of the Superintendents of Corporate Relations (SEP) and Accounting and Audit Rules (SNC) of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) published, on January 12th, the Official Letter 1/17. The topics are based on the red flags and information identified and obtained by the technical areas regarding operations structured by the market during the period. |
Grupo de Discussão Tributação – O BEPS no Brasil (“Taxation Discussion Group – The BEPS in Brazil”) |
Organized by Capital Aberto
Date: February 7th
Venue: Restaurante Praça São Lourenço
Hour: 8:15 am to 11 am
Fee: Amec’s members – by January 24th, - R$ 486.00 – after January 24th - R$ 531.00 (code: ca17amec)
Click here to register. |
Fórum I Código Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa - Companhias Abertas e sua Adoção pela CVM – RJ (Brazilian Code of Corporate Governance I Forum – Listed Companies and its Adoption by CVM – RJ”) |
Organized by GT Interagentes
Date: February 13th
Venue: CVM - Edifício Cidade do Carmo - R. Sete de Setembro, 111 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Hour: 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Fee: Free (limited places).
Click here to register. |
Workshop “Crowdfunding para decolar” (“Crowdfunding to take off” Workshop) |
Organized by Capital Aberto
Date: February 16th
Venue: Saint Paul Escola de Negócios
Hour: 8 am to 12:30 pm
Fee: Amec’s members – by February 2nd -R$ 657.00 – after February 2nd - R$ 711.00 (code ca17amec)
Click here to register. |
Workshop “O mercado de capitais em 2017” (“The capital market in 2017” Workshop) |
Organized by Capital Aberto
Date: February 23rd
Venue: Saint Paul Escola de Negócios
Hour: 8 am to 12:30 pm
Fee: Amec’s members – by February 2nd -R$ 657.00 – after February 2nd - R$ 711 (code ca17amec)
Click here to register. |
Grupo de Discussão M&A e Private Equity – Horizonte melhor para FIPs? (“M&A and Private Equity Discussion Group – A Better Horizon for Private Equity Investment Funds – FIPs?”) |
Organized by Capital Aberto
Date: March 7th
Venue: Restaurante Praça São Lourenço
Hour: 8:15 am to 11 am
Fee: Amec’s members – by February 22nd - R$ 513.00 – after February 22nd - R$ 567.00 (code: ca17amec)
Click here to register. |
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