Amec Opinion - A Second Chance |
The Reform of the Novo Mercado is underway.
It’s an excellent opportunity to analyze the facts that have taken place in the Brazilian capital market for the past 20 years and make use of the knowledge acquired through practice to set the right direction.
Let’s not exhaust our readers’ patience with excessive numbers to describe what we already know, but some of them are worth mentioning: there are approximately 350 companies with some liquidity listed in the Brazilian Stock Exchange. BM&FBOVESPA itself estimates that there are some 10,000 companies in Brazil that could go public. Countries such as India and Canada have more than 6,000 companies, what confirms such potential. |
The next meetings of Amec – the Association of Capital Market Investors – for members only, are confirmed as follows:
Technical Commission – June 15th, at Amec’s headquarters, in São Paulo, with remote access.
Foreigners Commission – June 21st, via conference call.
Executive Board – June 23rd, at Amec’s headquarters, in São Paulo.
Confirmations of attendance must be submitted to maria.alice@amecbrasil.org.br.
Click here to access the Association’s annual calendar of meetings. |
Event about the 2016 shareholders meetings season seeks improvements for the next year |
Amec – The Association of Capital Market Investors – is organizing “The 2016 Shareholders Meetings Season – Lessons Learned” Workshop, to be held in Integração Escola de Negócios (Rua Manuel Guedes, 504 – 8º andar – sala 81 – Itaim Bibi – São Paulo – SP) on June 22nd, at 1:30 pm. The objective of the event is to listen to institutional investors who participate in shareholders meetings, share suggestions for improvements and join efforts to encourage the effective participation of minority shareholders in the decisions taken by their investees. |
Amec consistently contributes to the Reform of the Novo Mercado |
One of the most crucial tasks of the domestic capital market in 2016 is to advance the reform of the Novo Mercado, a new effort developed by the Brazilian Stock Exchange - BM&FBOVESPA, which has requested the opinion and participation of all stakeholders through a Public Consultation and workshops. Amec – the Association of Capital Market Investors – actively participated in these two fronts, in addition to preparing the President Letter 04/2016, which complements its members’ answers to the Public Consultation questionnaire. |
Governança Corporativa e Compliance na Globalização (“Corporate Governance and Compliance in the Globalization”) |
Organized by INRE - Instituto Nacional de Recuperação Empresarial (National Institute of Corporate Recovery) and BM&FBOVESPA
Date: June 21st, 2016
Hour: 8:30 am to 12 noon
Venue: BMF&BOVESPA - Auditório Abelardo Vergueiro Cesar - Rua XV de novembro, 275 - 1º andar - Centro - São Paulo
INRE’s members – R$ 120.00
Others – R$ 150.00
Information: eventos@4working.com.br or 55 11 98468.9851
Click here to register. |
ABVCAP 2016 Congress – O Brasil Passado a Limpo (“Brazil Rewritten”) |