One of the largest fund management companies in Europe, the Dutch Robeco has signed the adhesion term to Amec Stewardship Code. Based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Robeco was established in 1929 with focus on research, sustainability, quantitative techniques and continuous innovation. Leader in investments integrated with sustainability, it is controlled by Orix Corporation, based in Japan. It has 250 billion Euros in assets under management, of which 1.5 billion are Brazilian assets. Additional information can be accessed in this link.
Robeco becomes the 13th signatory of Amec Stewardship Code, ratifying the association’s efforts to drive the best practices for institutional investors in Brazil.
Fabiana Fedeli, Portfolio Manager for Emerging Market Equities at Robeco, stated: “We are pleased to expand our commitment by becoming a signatory of the Amec Stewardship Code. Brazil is an important geography for Robeco. We have been investing in the Brazilian stock market for over 20 years.”
Carola van Lamoen, Head Governance & Active Ownership, added: “Sustainable investments are a spearhead of Robeco’s strategy, and our commitment to stewardship codes is part of this. Our internal Stewardship Policy ensures compliance with the different stewardship codes. It outlines how we fulfil our duties as a good steward by engaging with invested companies on related issues, voting and transparent reporting on our approach.” |
The next meetings of Amec – the Association of Capital Market Investors – for members only, are confirmed as follows:
Special Technical Commission – General Shareholders’ Meetings Season – February 15th, at Amec’s headquarters, in São Paulo, with remote access.
Foreigners Commission – February 21st, via conference call.
Management Board – February 23rd, at Amec’s headquarters, in São Paulo.
Confirmations of attendance must be submitted to maria.alice@amecbrasil.org.br.
Click here to access the Association’s annual calendar of meetings. |
Amec to hold special meeting about the 2017 general shareholders’ meetings season |
Amec’s Technical Commission will be holding a special meeting about the 2017 general shareholders’ meetings season at its headquarters, in São Paulo, on February 15th. At the suggestion of its members, the meeting will include a broad debate in which investors leading voting campaigns will be able to address their claims, strategies and obstacles with a view to identifying synergies and ensuring more efficient processes for the exercising of their rights. The meeting will be open only for institutional investors that are members of Amec. However, given their importance in the capital of Brazilian companies, the BNDES (Brazilian National Bank for Social and Economic Development), Previ (Banco do Brasil pension fund) and Petros (Petrobras pension fund) were also invited to attend the meeting and have already confirmed their participation. |
Association expresses its opinion about the disclosure of management compensation and the shareholder list |
Amec participated in the Public Hearing 10/2016 held by the Office of the Superintendent of Market Development of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM – that addresses the changes to the CVM Instruction 480/09. In the document sent to the regulator, the association highlights two important claims brought by its members: the publishing of the list of executives of listed companies that are members of Instituto Brasileiro de Executivos de Finanças (Ibef Rio) and benefit from the injunction that grants them the right of not disclosing their compensation, contrary to CVM’s own requirements, and the disclosure of the shareholder list by listed companies. |
Amec’s members alert BM&FBOVESPA to aggressive tender offers |
In a letter sent to the Brazilian Stock Exchange on February 3rd, Amec – the Association of Capital Market Investors – calls the attention, without mentioning any concrete case, to tenders offers in which sellers try to circumvent the equitable treatment to the buyers through mechanisms that eventually pressure minority shareholders to transfer their shares under specific unilateral conditions. |
Azul confirms IPO with Super Preferred Shares |
On February 6th, 2017, the airline Azul registered its preliminary prospectus to carry out an IPO. The operation involves the sale of preferred shares entitled to 75X the economic value of the company’s ordinary shares – representing a structure of super preferred shares similar to that adopted by Gol Linhas Aéreas. |
CVM acquits the Federal Government for Petrobras’ losses in sales to the electricity industry |
The Board of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission has unanimously decided to acquit the Federal Government for the losses incurred by Petrobras in the sale of fuel oil to Amazonas Energia. The transactions led to outstanding balances of up to BRL 15 billion funded by Petrobras, to the recognition of losses and to the signing of refinancing agreements at present values significantly below the amount due. |
The price of governance is the endless surveillance – stewardship practices land in Brazil |
By Isabella Saboya
The attractiveness of a capital market is coupled with the quality of its regulation and supervision and the governance of companies and investors. Good governance practices have to be part of the companies’ corporate culture. |
Workshop “Crowdfunding para decolar” (“Crowdfunding to take off” Workshop) |
Organized by Capital Aberto
Date: February 16th
Venue: Saint Paul Escola de Negócios
Hour: 8 am to 12:30 pm
Fee: Amec’s members – R$ 711.00 (code ca17amec)
Click here to register. |
Workshop “O mercado de capitais em 2017” (“The capital market in 2017” Workshop) |
Organized by Capital Aberto
Date: February 23rd
Venue: Saint Paul Escola de Negócios
Hour: 8 am to 12:30 pm
Fee: Amec’s members – R$ 711.00 (code ca17amec)
Click here to register. |
ICGN Washington D.C. Event |
Organized by ICGN – International Corporate Governance Network
Date: March 1st and 2nd, 2017
Venue: JW Marriott, 1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004, United States
Click here to access the complete agenda.
Click here to register and for additional information. |
Grupo de Discussão M&A e Private Equity – Horizonte melhor para FIPs? (“M&A and Private Equity Discussion Group – A Better Horizon for Private Equity Investment Funds – FIPs?”) |
Organized by Capital Aberto
Date: March 7th
Venue: Restaurante Praça São Lourenço
Hour: 8:15 am to 11 am
Fee: Amec’s members – by February 22nd - R$ 513.00 – after February 22nd - R$ 567.00 (code: ca17amec)
Click here to register. |
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