AMEC, BMF BOVESPA, CVM and IBGC represent Brazil in OECD’s Corporate Governance Roundtable
Following a long tradition, Amec participated in the Corporate Governance Roundtable organized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Government of Spain. The meeting took place in Bogotá, Colombia, from November 17 to 19, and was sponsored by BVC – the Colombian Stock Exchange. The event program is available here.
Among the several matters discussed, a highlight was the review of OECD’s Corporate Governance Principles, which is underway and expected to be concluded in 2015. The document, which current draft can be accessed here, was divided into three sessions. Amec’s CEO, Mauro Rodrigues da Cunha, delivered a speech in the first session, which dealt with the chapters about the Effectiveness of Governance, Shareholders’ Rights and Institutional Investors’ Rights.
Additionally, Amec presented the conclusions of the Investor Task Force, created last year with the objective of mapping the role of Brazilian institutional investors in the governance process of Brazilian companies. The report, presented by Bruno Bastit, Amec’s advisor, is available here.
The event also addressed the Task Force report about corporate groups, in which CVM participated. The report can be accessed here. The Companies Circle – group of companies concerned about corporate governance – also discussed the subject and presented its conclusions.
Finally, participants made a balance about MILA – the Latin American Integrated Market, which allows investments in Chile, Peru, and Colombia through a sole account, in a sole country. Despite the not significant transnational activity, these markets have been able to bridge the gap that separates them from the Brazilian market. The possibility of Mexico joining the project makes it even more interesting. For additional information, please visit