An organization that incorporates good corporate governance practices at the core of its mission must be concerned with its own governance.
This issue, which has been a priority for Amec since its creation, is revised on a regular basis.
Amec’s Board of Directors is the Association’s highest authority. It is comprised in a group of 11 – 15 Amec’s members currently serving 2 (two) years. Amec’s Board meets four times a year. Most of them are investment directors or partners at management corporations with a high level of representation and experience in the Brazilian capital market. In accordance with AMEC bylaws, the Board is evenly composed of representatives from three main categories – fund managers who work either independently or are employed by financial institutions, pension funds, and foreign investors.
The Executive Board is comprised of the Chief Executive Office and 6 Executive Vice Presidents elected by the Board of Directors for a term of 2 (two) years. The Executive Board meets on a monthly basis and directly monitors the Association’s activities.
The Technical Committee (TC) meetings complete the Association’s governance system. The TC discusses and manages all of the association’s topics of interest. Recommendations are further submitted for approval to the Executive Board and/or Board of Directors, as the case may be.