Apimec 23rd Congress to focus on the paths for Brazil to recovery growth

Biennial event takes place in the city of Porto Alegre (State of Rio Grande do Sul), on December 1 and 2
Information on the website www.congressoapimec.com.br
Now that the Brazilian elections are over, it’s time to speculate less and work harder on recovering Brazil’s growth. For this reason, topics such as the financing via the capital market for small and medium companies, management and governance in the public sector, in addition to more specific topics of the industry, such as complementary social security models and asset pricing, are likely to be the focus of discussions nationwide. These themes will be also guiding Apimec Congress’ program.
According to Apimec’s president,  Reginaldo Alexandre, the event will be guided by the discussions among specialists around these themes. “We are experiencing a deterioration process of the economic activity and, because of that, we need a strong recovery of investments in the next years. The debate during the Congress will be focused on the necessary conditions for that,” he states.
For the president of Apimec’s South Regional (Apimec-Sul), Marco Antônio dos Santos Martins, it’s essential that, from now on, the Government is clear about the country’s interest policy, inflation rates and government spending. “The clarification of issues like these can contribute to revert the uncertain scenario the capital market has been experiencing.” Additionally, Martins highlights the need of taking urgent steps to balance government spending, the independence of the Central Bank, the decentralization of BNDES’ investment policy from few sectors in favor of the view that the capital market can be a way to help promote the Brazilian economy.
The event is organized by Apimec (the Association of Capital Market Analysts and Investment Professionals) every two years in the capital cities that host Regional Apimecs. This year’s edition will take place in the city of Porto Alegre (State of Rio Grande do Sul), at Centro de Eventos Plaza São Rafael, on December 1 and 2. The central theme to guide Apimec Congress’ panels is “Challenges for Brazil to recovery its attractiveness and grow with sustainability,” and the objective is to discuss the new directions the country has to take, after the elections. Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca, the economists Aod Cunha and Marcelo Portugal, Carlos Biedermann, from PwC, and Newton Cunha, from Petros, are some of the specialists invited to participate in the panels, in addition to representatives of the Ministry of Social Security, BM&Fbovespa, CVM (the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission), JPMorgan, and of prominent associations in the capital market, such as AMEC (Association of Capital Market Investors), ABRAPP (Brazilian Association of Pension Funds), IBRI (Brazilian Institute of Investors Relations), and IBGC (Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance).
Online registration is available at www.congressoapimec.com.br
For questions and additional information, please call (55 51) 3224 3121.