Black Zornitak Band to perform an exclusive show in the 2016 Amec Investor Forum

Amec – the Association of Capital Market Investors – will be celebrating its 10th anniversary on October 27th, during the 2016 Amec Investor Forum. To liven up the party, the association has invited the Black Zornitak Band, whose line-up consists of financial market executives, for an exclusive presentation. During the forum, the association will be also launching a code to help investors fulfill their role in the governance sphere. Leonardo Pereira, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM), will be one of the speakers at the event.
The event’s complete agenda and the registration form can be accessed in the 2016 Amec Investor Forum hotsite:
At the date it celebrates its 10th anniversary, Amec will be introducing the Amec Stewardship Code, result of a one-year work led by the association. The ultimate objective of the code is to help institutional investors comply with the fiduciary duties owed to their clients through the exercising of their political rights.
In line with global trends, the code will bring principles, mechanisms and policies that will guide investors in all governance-related issues – including their own and their investees’. Click here for additional information about the Amec Stewardship Code.
At the event, the association will be also introducing its new visual identity. “Throughout the course of the past 10 years, Amec has evolved in its interaction with the domestic capital market’s participants and managed to significantly foster the dialogue with investors and foreign associations. We have translated this evolution in a logo that shows the joint journey towards the improvement of the capital market in Brazil,” explains Mauro Rodrigues da Cunha, Amec CEO.
Also during the event, the Association of Capital Market Investors will be announcing the winner of Amec Corporate Events Award. The award reflects the collective opinion of its members, that is, it definitely does not represent the association’s opinion or its directors’ individual opinions. Nominees are selected by its members, as well as the voting process. The Amec Corporate Events Award was conceived with the objective of publicly encouraging companies that adopt the best corporate governance practices, providing them with positive visibility and publicizing in a corporate event considered exemplary by Amec’s members. Click here to access the award regulations.
2016 Amec Investor Forum – 10th anniversary edition
Date: October 27th
Hour: 1:30 pm to 7 pm
Venue: Villa Bisutti – Av. Dr. Cardoso de Melo, 1.283 – Vila Olímpia, São Paulo/SP

Amec members R$ 300.00
Package for members – 10 registrations R$ 2,000.00
University students (proof required) R$ 300.00
Other interested parties R$ 600.00
Package for other interested parties – 10 registrations R$ 4,000.00
Supporting entities’ members
(Abrapp, ABVCAP, Anbima, ANEFAC, Apimec Nacional, Apimec São Paulo, CFA Society Brazil, Codim, FESPSP, IBCPF, IBGC, IBRI, Insper, PRI)
R$ 450.00