Draft of Instruction that regulates the participation and distance voting of shareholders in Shareholders’ General Meetings of listed companies is submitted to public hearing by CVM
On October 20, 2014, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) submitted to public hearing the draft of instruction that changes CVM Instruction No. 481/09 to regulate the participation and distance voting in Shareholders’ General Meetings of listed companies.
The major objective of the new measures in the proposed standard is to make the participation of shareholders in General Meetings easier, both through voting processes and the presentation of proposals, enhancing the corporate governance tools in the Brazilian market.
Suggestions and comments on the draft must be submitted to CVM’s Office of the Superintendent of Market Development (SDM) by December 19, 2014.
Click here to access the Notice on the Public Hearing with the draft of instruction that changes CVM Instruction No. 481/09 to regulate the participation and distance voting in Shareholders’ General Meetings of listed companies.