Save the Date: Amec 6th Seminar
Revving up the engines for Amec’s most important event: Amec 6th Seminar.
After the successful 2012 edition, we have been investing to provide our members with an even more interesting and interactive event. The topic of this year’s edition will be “Corporate Democracy – Rights and Duties of Shareholders and Companies,” and discussions will be focused on the challenges to implement an environment that drives the advancement of good practices in corporate governance and that helps defend the rights of minority shareholders.
The program is being prepared but already counts on the following outlined panels:
“The Ideal Shareholders Meeting – Case Study”
We will be analyzing a “case study” about companies that went beyond the law and transformed their shareholders meetings into relevant events. A fundamental ingredient in the discussion about what we want for shareholders meetings in Brazil and about what companies can voluntarily do to facilitate shareholders’ activities.
“The Transparency State”
We will be discussing the impacts of the adoption of the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) in Brazil, trying to reach a conclusion about its positive and negative results. We will be also addressing the regulatory progress about disclosure issues, including the recent initiatives about the transactions with related parties, in addition to the difficulties in accessing corporate information, including meetings’ minutes and decisions.
“The Regulator’s Vision – How to improve our Meetings”
In 2012, CVM kicked off the discussion about the distance voting process, which became a law in 2010. In 2013, Amec submitted a number of suggestions to the regulating agency about how to improve the processes in Brazilian Shareholders Meetings, not only to make the distance voting process possible, but also to adjust the Brazilian system to international practices. We will be discussing how the regulating agency has been evolving in this issue and what we can expect to have more effective meetings in the next years.
“Best Practices for Institutional Investors”
We will be introducing an Amec’s study on the evolution of absenteeism in Brazilian Shareholders Meetings, discussing the major obstacles to eliminate this problem. We will be also addressing the regulation and self regulation of pension funds and investment funds, evaluating the results of these initiatives and possibilities of improvement.
“ADRs – Challenges, Opportunities and Specificities of the Brazilian Case”
Counting on presence of foreign investors and ADRs’ depositaries, we will be analyzing the difficulties faced by foreign shareholders in Brazilian companies when it comes to exercising their political rights.
The event will be held at Grand Hyatt Hotel in São Paulo in October 29th.
Additional details will be announced in the near future.