Scholars from the Law School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) bring out book about CRSFN – Conselho de Recursos do Sistema Financeiro Nacional (Committee of Resources of the National Financial System)
The book “Estudos avançados de mercado de capitais: Conselho de Recursos do Sistema Financeiro Nacional “(Advanced studies on the capital market: Committee of Resources of the National Financial System), coordinated by Viviane Muller Prado and Juliana Bonacorsi de Palma, from FGV’s Law School, has just been launched. The book aims to provide tools and information to enhance the debate about CRSFN’s work as a regulatory aid of the securities market.
Based on an empirical survey about the decisions of the Committee originated from the Securities Exchange Commission, the book brings studies about the regulation of the capital market, sanctioned administrative process, prescription, reformation in pejus and exchange policy, as well as a radiography about the work developed by the Committee as the last decision instance of the market’s illicit events.
The book’s authors are lawyers and scholars with experience in the Brazilian securities market: Bruno Balduccini, Daniela Maria Neves Reali Fragoso, Fabiano de Melo Ferreira, Alexandre Pacheco da Silva, José Alexandre Buaiz Neto, Luciana Simões Rebello Horta, Luis Fernado Cunha Villar, Luiz Eduardo Martins Barbosa, Luis Antonio de Andrade, Marco Aurélio Martins Barbosa, Maria Eduarda Fleck da Rosa, and Tiago Severo Pereira Gomes.
For additional information about the book, please visit