Amec’s Vice Presidents participate in workshops on the Evolution Process of the Corporate Governance Special Listing Segments

The Brazilian Securities Exchange – BM&FBovespa – has begun the public consultation on the evolution process of the Novo Mercado Reform. It’s a highly important initiative – and an action Amec has been advocating for many years, such as in the suggestions about the topic in the President Letter 06/2015. As part of the process, BM&FBovespa will be promoting a workshop that will be graced with the presence of the association’s Vice Presidents Fernando Tendolini (SulAmérica) and Regis Abreu (Bozano), on April 9th. Amec has 15 invitations for its members.
Each workshop will be divided into two panels. The panels will start with a 20-minute introduction about the topic to be made by an exhibitor/moderator. After that, four panelists will have 15 minutes to make comments/suggestions about it. Then the debate will be open to all participants.

  • April 19th, from 9 am to 1 pm, in APIMEC Auditorium, at Avenida Rio Branco, 103, 21º andar – Centro – Rio de Janeiro. Topics under discussion: “Management” and “Internal Controls.”

Members interested in participating in the workshops must send personal information about participants to represent the association to