Investors want boards to focus on diversity in the 2019 proxy season

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Board diversity, climate changes and human capital management are the top three topics shareholders want boards to focus on in 2019, according to a survey carried out by the US EY Center for Board Matters, which interviewed 60 institutional investors with approximately $32 trillion of assets under management.
Just over half (53%) of the investors EY spoke with emphasized that board diversity, primarily inclusive of gender, race and ethnicity, should be a top board focus in 2019, up from one-third (33%) three years ago. Around half (49%) of investors said a top board focus should be business-relevant environmental and social factors, such as water management for food and beverage companies and plastic pollution for consumer goods companies.
More than a third (39%) of investors told human capital management should be a top board focus in 2019, up from just 6% three years ago. Some investors are focused on particular issues, such as workforce diversity and pay equity, while other ones take a broader view of the topic and want to understand how companies are retaining and developing talents, for example.
Click here to read the complete survey.