Amec is inquired about Accounting Standard
FACPC – Fundação de Apoio ao Comitê de Normas Contábeis (body that provides support to the Accounting Standards Committee) has requested Amec’s help – collectively or on an individual basis – to prepare a document on Explanatory Notes.
It is the first time Amec is directly queried; no doubt this invitation is a result of our growing engagement with topics related to the implementation of the IFRS in 2013. The inquiry is a great opportunity for investors – our members – to influence on the process related to the preparing of Brazilian companies’ financial statements.
Amec will be discussing the topic in a Working Group that will meet on February 28th, at 11 am, at Amec headquarters, in which interested parties can participate via Skype. Volunteers who want to participate must confirm their presence by sending an email to The topic will be also briefly discussed in the Technical Commission’s meeting to take place on February 26th.
Click here to access FACPC’s invitation.
Click here to access the working group’s proceedings.