Amec is invited to contribute to government group to foster the capital markets

The Iniciativa Mercado de Capitais (Capital Market Initiative) – IMK – invited Amec to collaborate with the topics to be discussed by the group focused on enhancing the Brazilian capital markets. Announced in June by the government, the IMK will suggest measures to reduce the capital cost in Brazil and make the capital markets more dynamic.
The initiative, to be coordinated by the Central Bank of Brazil (BC), is composed of representatives from the Ministry of Economy, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), the Private Insurance Authority (Susep), and Brazilian Financial and Capital Market Association (Anbima) and replaces the Working Group on Capital Markets (Grupo de Trabalho do Mercado de Capitais – GTMK).
Among the proposals the IMK intends to implement are the creation of a regulatory sandbox that would allow innovative companies to get temporary licenses to operate, the permission for the offer of local debt in foreign currency and the expansion of the credit database.