CVM Announces the 9th Press Award Recipients
Recipients are recognized for their collaboration to financial education
The Education Advisory Committee from CVM announces the winners of the 9th Press Award on Investor’s Education. Each recipient will receive a certificate as well as individual prizes of R$ 3,500.00. Find out who the winners in each category are:
- Newspaper – Luciana Seabra Castro dos Anjos
Article: “O custo da inércia” (the cost of inertia), published on 03/19/2014, in Jornal Valor Econômico.
- Magazine – Bruna Maia Carrion Acosta
Article: “É com você, investidor” (it’s up to you, investor), published on April 2014, in Capital Aberto.
- Digital Media – Fernanda Guimarães
Article: “Papel do Conselho de Administração deve ganhar maior peso na análise do investidor” (Role of the Administrative Board should weigh more on the investor’s analysis), published on 12/04/2014, on Agência Estado.
Read the articles at Portal do Investidor.
Learn more about the Press Award
The goal is to collaborate with financial education, encouraging the press to produce articles and reports that, in a didactic fashion, clarify opportunities and risks of different investments available to individuals in the capital markets, in order to assist the formation of more aware investors.
The Education Advisory Committee organizes the initiative, and it is composed by members of the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), the Brazilian Association of Listed Companies (ABRASCA), the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Markets (ANBIMA), the National Association of Brokers and Distributors of Securities (ANCORD), the Association of Investment Analysts and Professionals in the Capital Market (APIMEC), BM&F Bovespa SA – Securities, Commodities, and Futures –, Cetip SA – Organized Markets –, the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC), and the Brazilian Institute of Investor Relations (IBRI).
Read more about the Committee at