Debates about the governance practices adopted by regulation agencies and state-owned enterprises continue

Invited by the IBGC and the TozziniFreire law firm, representatives of several entities discussed the evolution of good governance practices in SOEs and regulation agencies, in Brasília
The good governance practices adopted by the private sector have been gaining more and more relevance in the public sphere. The topic was addressed in the event “Governance of regulation agencies and state-owned companies,” organized by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC) with the support of the TozziniFreire law firm, in Brasília. Amec, represented by its CEO Mauro Rodrigues da Cunha, participated in the debate about the benefits and about-turns of the Draft Law 6,621/2016. Under analysis in the Congress, the draft law suggests the creation of a general law for regulation agencies, but it runs the risk of suffering a setback in the passage related to the political shielding ensured to SOEs by the Law 13,303.
During the debate, Cunha addressed relevant issues for the market, such as the financial autonomy of regulation agencies and the “patchwork” of the so-called U system – comprised of important institutions of the Union, such as the Attorney’s General Office (AGU), the General Comptroller’s Office (CGU) and the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU). Another issue advocated by Amec was the diversity in the selection of officers, criteria that must be based on factors such as independence and technical qualification.
The event was also attended by Eduardo Cury, federal deputy (PSDB-SP) and president of the Special Commission of the Chamber responsible for preparing an opinion about the Draft Law 6,621/2016; Gesner Oliveira, partner at GO Associados; Yoshihiro Nemoto, superintendent of regulatory governance of the National Agency of Land Transportation (ANTT), and João Laudo de Camargo, coordinator of IBGC and responsible for the institute’s publication “IBGC Opina: Governança de agências reguladoras (“IBCG Opina: Governance of regulatory agencies”).