Edison Garcia is the new president of INSS

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Public Attorney Edison Garcia is the new President of the Brazilian Social Security Institute – INSS. The nomination was published in the Official Federal Gazette (DOU) on May 30. In his interviews after the nomination, Garcia highlighted the intention of implementing practices of the capital market in the institute. In addition to having been the superintendent and CEO of Amec from 2006 to 2012, the attorney also participated in the “National Financial System’s Council of Appeals” (known as Conselhinho) and in the Self-Regulation Council of Anbid (currently Anbima).
In his interviews to the Valor Econômico and Correio Braziliense newspapers, Garcia talked about the commitment to enhancing the INSS’ planning and good practices, which includes the creation of a governance and risk assessment committee to improve the institute’s transparency and efficiency. Garcia replaces Francisco Lopes, who left the position after the discovery of a BRL 8,8 million agreement with an IT company that operated in a beverage warehouse. Lopes admitted he authorized the deal without checking the contracted company.
Watch the interview of Edison Garcia to CB Poder, from Correio Braziliense, here.

Edison Garcia was Amec’s CEO until 2011 and is now the new President of INSS