Established in 2006, the Association has become the main discussion forum for institutional investors
In 2018, ICGN recognized Amec with the “Excellence in Corporate Governance Award”
Amec – The Association of Capital Market Investors – was established on October 26, 2006 by a group of independent and financial institutional investors to defend the rights of minority shareholders and drive the development of the Brazilian equity market.
To achieve its objectives, Amec fosters debates and discussions among its members, following strict internal governance guidelines, including the management of conflicts of interest. Issues are discussed by its Technical Commission and subsequently submitted for decision by the Management Board and Board of Directors.
In 2018, Amec received the “Excellence in Corporate Governance Award,” offered by the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) – body that represents investors with more than $US 38 trillion in assets under management. The award recognizes the work the association has been performing since its foundin.
The association has become the main discussion forum for institutional investors with regard to corporate governance practices and investors’ rights in Brazilian companies, in line with the latest recommendations around the world. At the same time, Amec’s recommendations have been increasingly gaining the recognition of investors, companies and regulatory bodies given the association’s relevance and independent approach.