First Amec’s Letter to CVM addresses Instruction “Nova 10”

On January 30th, Amec (the Association of Capital Market Investors) sent this year’s first opinion to CVM – the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – with suggestions and comments on the draft of Instruction “Nova 10,” which addresses the trading of own shares and derivatives referenced to such shares in publicly-held companies, and on the draft of “Alteradora da 358” (“Change to 358 Instruction”), which includes changes to the instruction that regulates the disclosure of information about transactions conducted by Boards’ members and shareholders with relevant share interests.
Amec’s letter addresses the following items: authorization for the company to trade own shares (article 3); Restrictions (article 7), Assumption of Compliance (article 10), and Information to be provided to the company (article 12).
Click here to access the full document.