Grupo de Discussão Capital Aberto – RI: finanças ou comunicação? (“Capital Aberto Discussion Group – IR: finances or communication?”)

The importance of aligning the two competences in favor of the company
Communication has been increasingly important in an area yet dominated by the finances: the investor relations area. After all, every listed company must keep its audiences well informed, something that is even more necessary in periods of economic adversities. The international experience shows that the interaction between these two areas can help strengthen the relationship with the community of investors, analysts and the society as a whole. In which stage of this relationship are Brazilian listed companies? What are the structural and cultural challenges to establish such connection? These and other topics will be discussed in the next meeting of Capital Aberto Discussion Group of Investor Relations.
Date: May 21
Venue: Restaurante Brasil a Gosto – R. Prof. Azevedo Amaral, 70 – Jardim Paulista, São Paulo (free valet service)
Hour: 8:30 am to 11 am
Click here to register.
Thomas Kamm – Partner at Brunswick. Communication and IR: how to leverage messages and generate benefits for both sides; an international perspective.
Diogo Correa Zinsly – IR Head for Mahle Metal Leve. When the IR area controls the building of a company’s public image.
Mariana Campolina – IR Manager for Localiza. The interaction of the IR and the communication areas in the release of results and material facts.
Simone Soares – Communication Superintendent for Cosan. The company’s communication strategically subordinated to the IR area and the CFO.
Doris Wilhelm – Former CEO and member of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Investors Relations Institute (IBRI)
Roberto Gonzales – IR MBA Professor at Fipecafi
Mitchel Diniz, reporter of Capital Aberto