#NaoAoInsiderTrading Campaign fights Insider Trading

Information plays a crucial role in the decisions we take in all spheres of our lives, including investment-related ones. In the capital markets, some people have access to relevant information before investors and the public at large. The misuse of such privileged information is illegal and negatively affects the confidence of other agents on the market’s equity and integrity.
With the objective of preventing and restraining this practice, the #NaoAoInsiderTrading (#NoToInsiderTrading) Campaign Against Insider Trading was launched in an event held in the Brazilian Stock Exchange – BM&FBovespa – on June 1st, 2016. It’s a joint initiative of capital market’s agents who gathered and formed the GT Interagentes, and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM.
The GT Interagentes is comprised of ABRAPP (Brazilian Association of Pension Funds), ABRASCA (Brazilian Association of Publicly-Held Companies), ABVCAP (Brazilian Association of Private Equity & Venture Capital), AMEC (Association of Capital Market Investors), ANBIMA (Brazilian Association of Entities of the Financial and Capital Markets), APIMEC (Association of Investment Analysts and Professionals of the Capital Market), BMF&BOVESPA(Brazilian Securities, Commodities and Future Exchange Commission), BRAiN (Brazil Investments & Businesses), IBGC (Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance), IBMEC (Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets), and IBRI (Brazilian Institute of Investors Relations), in addition to the participation of CVM (Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission) as observers  and BNDES (Brazilian National Bank for Social and Economic Development).
As part of the campaign, CVM has launched a set of Guidelines and the GT Interagentes prepared a Guide about the topic that can be downloaded for free. The campaign will also include several posts about Insider Trading practices in the entities’ social media, with the support of important media outlets.
The publications can be downloaded for free in:
Caderno 11 – Uso Indevido de Informação Privilegiada (Insider Trading) (Guidelines #11 – Misuse of Privileged Information [Insider Trading]), prepared by CVM
Guia Educativo de Prevenção ao Insider Trading (Educational Guide to Fight Insider Trading) , prepared by the GT Interagentes