Stock Exchange studies changes to Bovespa Mais to make the access market more attractive

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B3 has been consulting market players about changes to the Bovespa Mais, access segment created 13 years ago, to make it more attractive for companies and investors. The discussions are incipient and being followed by Amec, member of B3’s Advisory Committee on Companies and Underwriting matters.
According to the Valor Econômico newspaper, B3 is studying to eliminate a series of requirements. Today, companies that list on the segment have to meet tax requirements similar to those imposed on big companies – they must disclose four financial reports per year (one annual report and three quarterly financial statements). The reduction in the number of reports is among the intended changes. The idea is to require the disclosure of only two financial statements per year. Another requirement that has been driving away businesses from Bovespa Mais is the obligation to hold IPOs in up to seven years after listing in the segment to offer 25% of the outstanding capital to the public.
Check the articles “B3 prepares revamp of Bovespa Mais” and “Mercado de acesso pode ter balanço semestral” (“Access market can require semiannual statement”).